truly clear stops whiteheads

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Want to know to get rid of whiteheads? If you have them on your face, you're like millions of other people who struggle with the occasional breakout or more chronic acne. So, whether you woke up this morning to find a new pimple on your face or are looking to prepare for the next breakout, there is no need to panic.

Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of whiteheads—and they don't involve squeezing or picking at them, which can leave scarring and permanent damage. First off, it's essential to understand why you have whiteheads in the first place to take the right approach to get rid of them.

What are Whiteheads?

There are two types of pimples. The first is a blackhead, which often presents itself in the form of small dark dots in your pores. The second is a whitehead, which occurs when a pore becomes completely blocked by dead skin cells or oils from your face that prevent it from adequately ejecting its contents. 

This buildup in your hair follicle causes pressure inside your pores and leads to inflammation and an accumulation of pus-filled liquid under your skin. As a result, whiteheads tend to be more painful and prominent than the preceding blackhead. For that reason, they can be especially pesky and daunting. 

What Causes Whiteheads

The leading cause of whiteheads is a buildup of oil, debris, or bacteria in your pores. When you have an excess amount of sebum, it mixes with dead skin cells to create plugs that block hair follicles, which causes them to become inflamed and produce more sebum. This results in a cluster of clogged pores that can make your skin look like it has tiny white bumps on it. 

Not only do these clusters make your skin look bad, but they can also be painful or even cause infections if left untreated. Below are some of the leading causes of whiteheads:

  • Dead skin cells - when you shed dead skin cells, they build up inside your pores instead of being removed from your face. If too much dead skin accumulates in your pores, whiteheads can form.
  • Bacteria - bacterial buildup can cause closed comedones (or blackheads) to form, which, if left untreated, mature into open comedones or more commonly known as whiteheads.
  • Excess sebum - if your glands produce too much sebum, it will settle into your pores and cause whitehead-like bumps on your face.
  • Sun exposure - UV rays from the sun can damage your sebaceous glands over time, causing them to produce too much oil, which can lead to more breakouts.

Is it Safe to Pop a Whitehead?

Before you go after those pesky whiteheads, it's a good idea to determine whether they're safe to pop. The general answer is no; you should not pop your whiteheads at home if you can avoid it. The risk of causing permanent damage or creating a more severe breakout far exceeds the benefit of popping the pimple.

While you should avoid popping your pimple at all costs, we understand that sometimes you can't resist. However, if you MUST pop your whitehead (and we stress, must), you must ensure that it has fully emerged, to the point where it looks like it may pop on its own.

Only in that case, should you ever attempt to pop it on your own. While we still advise against it, if you decide to pop your whitehead, you should never do so with your bare fingers—this can cause bacteria from your fingernails to get into the pimple and cause an infection.

Instead, use two q-tips or an extraction kit. If light pressure does not cause it to pop immediately, stop. Trying to pop a pimple before it's ready is a sure way to generate a more significant breakout or cause permanent scarring. If the pimple is not quite ready, you can visit a dermatologist who can inject a cortisol shot that will cause the whitehead to shrink instantly. 

Other Ways to Safely Get Rid of a Whitehead

Now that we (hopefully) convinced you to resist the urge to pop, we urge you not to panic! We have other solutions to help you get rid of whiteheads SAFELY at home.

Acne Patches

We bring you a product that is almost as satisfying as popping your pimple but safer and more effective. An excellent way to remove whiteheads is by using Truly Clear acne patches. Apply them on top of your pimples at night before bed for best results. Then, in the morning, you will be shocked to see the gunk that was removed from your pimple. 

Implement a Reliable Regimen

One of the biggest challenges acne sufferers have is finding a regimen that works, committing to it, and using it consistently. Once you implement a new skincare routine, you need to stick with it, even if you don't see results right away. It can take up to three months for your skin to adjust to a new routine, and unfortunately, this is when most people stop using it consistently or switch to something new.

Truly Clear solves this problem by making a practical and straightforward solution to fighting acne for good. Our products are 98.42% natural and plant based. Use our bar to cleanse and treat your acne in one step. You will be so thrilled with the results you won't want to switch to another product. 

How to Prevent Whiteheads

The best way to fight off whiteheads is to make sure they don't appear to begin with. Using the Truly Clear Acne Bar and implementing good hygiene into your lifestyle can prevent acne altogether. To help reduce the risk of breakouts, avoid touching your face and wash your sheets and pillowcase frequently. 

When to Go to the Dermatologist

It's not a big deal if you experience the occasional breakout or have the very common small white bumps on your face. It's important, however, to know when those tiny blemishes are indicators of something more serious. If you experience severe or cystic acne, bleeding, swelling, pain, or itching—it may be best to seek professional help. 

Closing Thoughts

Truly Clear is a skincare company that offers several ways for users to achieve clear, healthy skin in a simple, easy-to-follow method.